2014 Company Profiles
Peter will be joining SATTF for the first time as, Charles and William in AS YOU LIKE IT.
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As You Like It
As You Like It by William Shakespeare
Directed by Andrew Hilton
13 Feb - 22 March 2014
and in repertoire: Tues 22, Weds 23, Sat 26 April; Thu 01 & Fri 02 May
15th Anniversary Season Appeal
'SATTF receives no form of public subsidy; and in the present financial climate funds from commercial sponsors and charitable trusts are ever more difficult to find. So the support of individuals is critical to our survival. We have therefore launched a 15th Anniversary appeal to raise a vital £15,000 to support our 15th Season and help to secure our work into the future.' Artistic Director, Andrew Hilton
Photos Mark Douet: Dorothea Myer-Bennett as Rosalind, Jack Wharrier as Orlando, Peter Basham as Charles Vic Llewellyn as Touchstone, Paul Currier as Jaques, Daisy May as Celia, Christopher Bianchi as Dukes Frederick & Senior Matthew Thomas as Oliver, Ben Tolley as Silvius, Sophie Whittaker as Phebe.
As You Like It- Press Reviews
★★★★ The Times : "Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory begin its fifteenth year in business with an enchanting staging of this comedy... I've seen brasher, bigger productions of this play that never came close to the sense of discovery and joy that this offers." (Dominic Maxwell 21.02.14)
★★★★★ Stage Talk Magazine: "Now in its fifteenth year since the company’s formation in 1999, this is an ensemble at the top of its game. Its second UK tour this summer will undoubtedly win it a growing army of supporters. This is a jewel of a performance; I cannot recommend it highly enough." (Simon Bishop 19.02.14)
★★★★ : "This is a highly enjoyable production with a superb central performance and another feather in Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory's cap. The company has gone from strength to strength in recent years." (John Campbell 19.02.14)
★★★★ The Arts Desk : "As ever with Andrew Hilton’s vigorous and intelligent productions, there is much quality acting, and a devotion to delivering the text with maximum clarity." (Mark Kidel 19.02.14)
★★★★ Plays To See: "Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory has once again produced something unique, enriching and magical." (Emily Derbyshire 19.02.14)
★★★ The Guardian : "...Myer-Bennett not only suggests the intoxicating joy of love but also that it can hurt like crazy too." (Lyn Gardner 26.02.14)
: "Hilton and his 15-strong cast realise the pleasure of the play, exploiting the myriad elements that give delight in the theatre - fights, adventure, romance, disguises, high spirits and delightful music." (Jeremy Brien 19.02.14)
Bristol 24-7 : "This was my first experience of Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory, but if As You Like It is an indication of the inclusive quality of all of their productions, it certainly won’t be my last." (Jane Duffus 25.02.14)
The Fine Times Recorder : "audiences at the home theatre, as well as at Scarborough, Cheltenham, Truro, Winchester, Exeter and Salisbury, are in for a treat - we like it a lot!" (GP-W 19.02.14)
: "And there's a lot to like! perceptions and pleasures flow as naturally as the seasons through all this happy production." (Timothy Ramsden 20.02.14)
As You Like It
Expelled from the city, Rosalind and Orlando – the one fleeing a tyrannous uncle, the other a murderous brother – rediscover each other in the Forest of Arden. But what awaits them in that Arcadian wilderness? Will they find true love, or just lose themselves? Are they merely players in a pastoral fantasy, or do they have a rare opportunity – to explore the reality of their feelings free from all the normal constrictions of courtly convention and parental oversight?
Both funny and moving, this is Shakespeare’s greatest exploration of the meaning of love, its madness and transcendence.
Following the success of last year’s tour of Two Gentlemen of Verona, this production will embark on the company’s second U.K tour immediately after its Tobacco Factory run.
As You Like It was first produced by SATTF during our third season twelve years ago. We are thrilled to be bringing this new production to a much wider audience in 2014.
Orlando Jack Wharrier
Adam Paul Nicholson
Oliver Matthew Thomas
Charles & William Peter Basham
Celia Daisy May
Rosalind Dorothea Myer-Bennett
Touchstone Vic Llewellyn
Le Beau & Martext Vincenzo Pellegrino
Dukes Frederick & Senior Christopher Bianchi
Amiens Offue Okegbe
Corin Alan Coveney
Silvius Ben Tolley
Jaques Paul Currier
Audrey Hannah Lee
Phebe Sophie Whittaker
Director Andrew Hilton
Assistant Director Nicholas Finegan
Designer Harriet de Winton
Music Elizabeth Purnell
Thursday 13 Feb - Saturday 22 March
As you Like It in repertoire: April 22, 23, 26 & May 1, 2