2014 Company Profiles



This season:Corin in AS YOU LIKE IT, Richard Noakes in ARCADIA. Previously for SATTF: RICHARD III TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA, KING LEAR, OTHELLO,THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, HAMLET, Caska in JULIUS CAESAR, ANTONY & CLEOPATRA, Egeus & Robin Starveling in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, Sebastian in THE TEMPEST, RICHARD II, and Angelo in THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. Over a thirteen year period Alan produced, directed and acted in many productions as a founder-member of Show of Strength Pub Theatre Company, producing new writing and rare classics.

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SATTF Education


Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory (SATTF) works closely with local schools and colleges to enable young people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds to access theatre and gain valuable skills for life.
The Season Workshops started in 2001 and many of the original workshop members have gone on to study degrees in theatre, train at theatre schools and in some cases to become full acting members of SATTF through our Apprentice and Graduate Actor Training schemes.

Shakespeare Week -16-22 March 2015
The company is also working closely with The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust as a launch partner for, Shakespeare Week an annual celebration of Shakespeare for primary school children throughout the UK.  
SATTF offered  Comedy and Magic in Shakespeare Workshops to primary school aged children in Bristol during the first Shakespeare Week,  March 17 - 23, 2014. Several Bristol Primary Schools took part, exploring magic and comedy capers of some of Shakespeare's finest plays. Educational Workshops are pre-arranged and held on-site at participating primary schools. For more details about Shakespeare Week 2015 please phone or Click Here for further details.

Season Workshops: In each year, starting from October to the end of the annual SATTF Season in May, we continue to offer a series of Saturday Morning Workshops for young people, 13 - 18 years old. These have all concluded with genuinely impressive pieces of devised theatre. Participants are encouraged to embrace the ethos of the Company: commitment, respect and a professional attitude. We hope they'll create new friendships and learn from one another, while developing valuable skills and a love of theatre. Participants work alongside highly talented members of the company who have wide-ranging experience in theatre, radio, television, film and education.

We are constantly striving to find funding to help to subsidise our workshops and to make them available to students from a wide range of backgrounds.

Education Outreach: Following on from the huge success of the Season Workshops, we have developed an exciting Education Outreach programme allowing students, to experience our dynamic and enriching performing arts, team-building and coaching workshops. For teachers we offer the confidence and skills to bring Shakespeare's plays alive in the classroom - as well as texts by any other classical or contemporary playwright.
The Season Workshops are recognised by Arts Award and SATTF is an Arts Award Supporter.               


To find out more about Season Workshops , Shakespeare Week and  Education opportunities with Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory please contact: or PHOTO: SATTF Season Workshop student, James Wearmouth, as Edward, the young prince of Wales, in Richard III 2013 (Mark Douet)