2014 Company Profiles

Hannah will be joining SATTF to play Audrey in AS YOU LIKE IT, and Thomasina in ARCADIA.
See all profiles
Casting / Jobs
Matthew Thomas & David Collins in The Comedy of Errors 2011 (Photo: Farrows Creative)
Casting Policy Send specific casting suggestions by email whenever a new season is announced on this site, attaching your CV and photo (CV in Word or pdf formats only, please, and any separate photos as jpgs). We will view and consider these and make audition lists from them. Please do not send us any more hard copies of your CV or photo. They waste your (and the planet's) resources and are harder for us to handle at the busiest times. Email only! Please put your name in the subject bar for our quick reference. Single photo-CVs, or active Spotlight links, make the process even more efficient! Please don't send show-reels. As a rule, please don't suggest yourself for a part you have already played, certainly not if it is very recently.
Please email direct to Artistic Director, Andrew Hilton: and copy your submission to the Producer, Morag Massey:
Please don't ask us to acknowledge submissions (but be assured we will read them) or to supply casting breakdowns. The casting period is an exceptionally busy time and we regret we do not have time to give feedback. Thank you.
2014 Tobacco Factory Season: ARCADIA has now closed and AS YOU LIKE IT is on tour. My thanks to all who submitted their details in the autumn and apologies to those I was unable to meet this time (I received upwards of 550 submissions). I am pleased that we have welcomed ten actors new to the company this season to join the nine that have been with us before. Andrew Hilton 15th May.
Composers & Designers We are very interested to hear your CDs/view your portfolios. Please understand that the opportunities we have to offer are very few indeed, particularly as we have found it very productive to explore partnerships with both composers and designers over a number of seasons. So change is slow, but it does happen!
Stage Management & Production Every year we look for a complete team - only the General Manager, Administrator and Artistic Director are ongoing - of Production Manager, CSM, two DSMs and one ASM. Or something approximating to that. We are actually flexible about the structure of the team and very prepared to vary it according to the strengths of those involved. There is, of course, some continuity from season to season - which is extremely valuable - but the demand for good Stage Management in the world at large means that one or more opportunities to work for SATTF tend to come up every year.
Contract & Wages We are an unsubsidised charity with very limited financial means, which impacts directly on the wages we can offer. However, we make progress. In our first season in 2000 we paid a flat company wage of £150 pw, which a profit-share arrangement (we were not then a charity) brought up to £185. By 2009 this had improved to £420 and we currently pay £480 per week to most members of the company (including the Artistic Director). Subject to funding we offer an annual Apprentice and Graduate Actor scheme offering £400 to recent graduates and the National Minimum Wage to pre-training apprentices. We work to our own 'house' contract, which conforms to all aspects of employment law, and most of the non-financial conditions of Equity contracts.
Travel & Subsistence Please note that we do not yet offer any travel or subsistence payments during the Tobacco Factory season. When we go out on tour in May/June there is a contribution towards expenses, currently of £140 pw.