2014 Company Profiles
Peter will be joining SATTF for the first time as, Charles and William in AS YOU LIKE IT.
See all profiles
2013 Season Casting Announced
Casting Announcement 2013 Season
Richard III 14 Feb - 30 March & Two Gentlemen of Verona 4 April - 4 May 2013
After several years playing leading roles for the RSC John Mackay returns to SATTF to play Richard III. Between 2001 and 2003 he was seen as Angelo, Leontes, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Ulysses and Jaques for SATTF.
Lisa Kay also makes a welcome return, playing Queen Elizabeth in Richard III and Sylvia in Two Gentlemen of Verona, after several years as Carol Cassidy in ITV’s Heartbeat. She was previously seen as Hermione/Perdita, Cressida and Audrey for SATTF.
From more recent seasons Chris Bianchi, Peter Clifford, Alan Coveney, Paul Currier, Chris Donnelly, Nicky Goldie, Marc Geoffrey, Dorothea Myer-Bennett, John Sandeman and David Plimmer also return and we welcome newcomers to SATTF Rupert Holliday Evans, Thomas Frere, Joe Hall, Andrew Macbean and Eva Tausig.
Jack Bannell (Henry Percy in Richard II) and Piers Wehner (Clitandre in The Misanthrope and Yasha in The Cherry Orchard) will play the ‘two gentlemen of Verona’.
Both productions are directed by Andrew Hilton. Harriet de Winton continues as designer and Elizabeth Purnell and John Telfer as composers; Elizabeth will be composing for Richard III and John for a live band in Two Gentlemen of Verona.